The Project
The client wanted a site to encourage more people to visit their premises, buy their wines and buy tickets to their events. The client also runs a subscription club with various levels of paid membership. The site had to include an e-commerce facility to allow for wine and ticket sales and membership sales with recurring invoicing. Events are strictly limited so the number of ticket sales had to be controlled. Products and events change regularly so easy access by the client was important. The e-commerce function also had to allow clients to make up their own mixed boxes of wines and for for postage costs to be calculated and added to the checkout cart.
The Solution
The client’s premises are a tourist destination in a region of Perth with a growing number of vineyards and restaurants. It was thought that many visitors would be accessing the site via local mobile search to address, phone number and opening times were front and centre for customers who might be driving through the area.
The site’s look and feel had to convey the quality of the products and has a full e-commerce functionality – sales are acknowledged with an automatic email and generated tax invoice. Clients can read about upcoming events, book and pay for tickets which are delivered electronically.
The subscription club can be joined online and members are able to edit their personal details and choices of wine packs.